AdeptLR é uma plataforma de análise e treinamento adaptativo de LSAT projetada para estudantes que procuram uma maneira simples, eficaz e eficiente de praticar questões de LSAT com tecnologia impulsionada por IA.
Para usar o AdeptLR, inscreva-se em um plano de assinatura, importe seus PrepTests do LawHub e comece a praticar questões de LSAT. A plataforma usa aprendizado de máquina de IA para fornecer treinamento adaptativo com base em seu nível de habilidade e fraquezas-alvo. Também oferece análises detalhadas para acompanhar seu progresso e melhorar suas fraquezas.
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Plano de Raciocínio Lógico
Treinamento adaptativo apenas para Raciocínio Lógico. Inclui todos os 99 LSATs oficiais, PrepTests 1 até 93+, A, B, C, C2, fevereiro de 1997 e junho de 2007. Análises de drill e seção cronometrada, recursos avançados de drill e revisão, importação do LawHub para Raciocínio Lógico, Jogos Lógicos e Compreensão de Leitura. Garantia de reembolso de 7 dias.
Plano Completo
Treinamento adaptativo para Raciocínio Lógico, Jogos Lógicos e Compreensão de Leitura. Inclui todos os 99 LSATs oficiais, PrepTests 1 até 93+, A, B, C, C2, fevereiro de 1997 e junho de 2007. Análises de drill e seção cronometrada, recursos avançados de drill e revisão, importação do LawHub para Raciocínio Lógico, Jogos Lógicos e Compreensão de Leitura. Garantia de reembolso de 7 dias.
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Escuta de mídias sociais
How to score in the 170s on the LSAT.
I get so many questions about how to get a great LSAT score so let's talk about it (and pls ignore the plain background I filmed this while on a trip) The best way to improve your score is rote practice after first learning the fundamentals. I recommend getting a high-level overview of the questions before you begin spamming practice tests, beginning with older exam questions and ramping to more recent ones. Eventually you'll figure out your weak points and you can/should practice hitting those sections more. Get the PowerScore bibles at a discount here with code 'julian': Crush LSAT prep with AdeptLR, which spams you with real LSAT questions and uses AI to focus on your weak areas: Some great videos unpacking how to diagram logic games / reasoning: ToC: 00:11: ABA considers removing LSAT 00:28: Should you take the LSAT? My recommendation. 00:47: LSAT Section Overview 1:11: The LSAT is an intellect-based exam 1:53: Tip - practice as much as you can. 2:16: When should you start studying? 2:45: Tip - Begin with an overview 3:33: Tip - Practice untimed first 4:52: When to begin timed sections 5:58: My studying and score 6:58: Should you take a prep course? ---- Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. ---- What else I'm up to... 🗣 Discord for prelaw advice - juliansarafian 📸 Instagram - juliansarafian 🎵 TikTok - juliansarafian For Creators by Creators PC: Business/legal inquiries: My website: My TedX talk on mental health: My CNBC piece on quitting my $200k job: Business Insider article on my journey: American Lawyer Op-Ed on Innovation in Biglaw: Law360 Op-Ed on drafting Social Media Agreements: * The information contained in this video is strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Let us be absolutely clear: this content does NOT constitute legal advice. Using the content of this video as a basis for making legal decisions is strongly discouraged. Always seek the counsel of a qualified legal professional for guidance on any legal matters. The creator of this video disclaims any responsibility for any decisions made based on the content of this video. Please understand that using this information is done at your own risk.*
Job Options After Law School.
Get my $5 guide to getting into law school guide here: Free guide to acing law school exams, mental health guides, weekly newsletter, and more here: Studying for the LSAT? Get a discount on the Powerscore bibles with code ‘Julian’ here: Crush LSAT prep with AdeptLR, which spams you with real LSAT questions and uses AI to focus on your weak areas: Reach out to for a free consult on your legal needs anytime. ---- Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. ---- Other stuff: 🗣 Discord for prelaw advice/mental health talk: 📸 Instagram - juliansarafian 🎵 TikTok - juliansarafian My Firm For Creators by Creators PC: The information contained in this video is strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Let us be absolutely clear: this content does NOT constitute legal advice. Using the content of this video as a basis for making legal decisions is strongly discouraged. Always seek the counsel of a qualified legal professional for guidance on any legal matters. The creator of this video disclaims any responsibility for any decisions made based on the content of this video. Please understand that using this information is done at your own risk.
How to Get Straight A's in Law School
The first year of law school is the most rigorous and usually the most important because many employers only see those grades. So, how do you make sure you perform well during your 1L year (and beyond) and set up your legal career for success? Let's talk about it. Have an idea for a video? Let me know in the comments ! TOC: 0:17: Why grades in 1L matter disproportionately 1:30: Class 2:20: Briefing Cases 3:45: Exam prep - Outlining 6:11: Study groups, past exams 7:10: Typing speed, word-limited exams Get my $5 guide to getting into law school: Studying for the LSAT? Get the PowerScore bibles at a discount here with code 'julian': Crush LSAT prep with AdeptLR, which spams you with real LSAT questions and uses AI to focus on your weak areas: --- Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. ---- What else I'm up to... 🗣 Discord for prelaw advice/mental health talk 📸 Instagram - juliansarafian 🎵 TikTok - juliansarafian For Creators by Creators PC: Business/legal inquiries: My website: My TedX talk on mental health: My CNBC piece on quitting my $200k job: Business Insider article on my journey: American Lawyer Op-Ed on Innovation in Biglaw: Law360 Op-Ed on drafting Social Media Agreements: * The information contained in this video is strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Let us be absolutely clear: this content does NOT constitute legal advice. Using the content of this video as a basis for making legal decisions is strongly discouraged. Always seek the counsel of a qualified legal professional for guidance on any legal matters. The creator of this video disclaims any responsibility for any decisions made based on the content of this video. Please understand that using this information is done at your own risk.*
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