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Applitools é uma plataforma de testes visuais que usa IA para melhorar a automação e reduzir custos.
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May 18 2023
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O que é Applitools?

Applitools é uma plataforma de testes e monitoramento visual alimentada por IA que oferece uma plataforma de automação de testes de próxima geração alimentada por Visual IA. Ajuda a aumentar a qualidade, acelerar a entrega e reduzir custos nos processos de teste.

Como usar Applitools?

Para usar o Applitools, siga estas etapas: 1. Integre o Applitools com seu framework de teste preferido, como Cypress, Selenium ou Appium. 2. Use os SDKs e integrações do Applitools para testar aplicativos da web, móveis e de desktop, assim como PDFs e outros documentos. 3. Aproveite recursos como Ultrafast Grid para teste rápido em vários navegadores, Eyes para validação de UI e Execution Cloud para infraestrutura de teste automatizada. 4. Automatize a revisão e manutenção dos testes com a automanutenção inteligente e utilize a Análise de Causa Raiz para corrigir bugs mais rapidamente. 5. Valide a acessibilidade visual para garantir a conformidade com os aspectos visuais da interface do usuário. 6. Aproveite os benefícios de aumento da cobertura de teste, redução da manutenção de testes e maior confiança nos resultados dos testes.

Principais recursos da Applitools

Visual IA

Ultrafast Test Cloud

Execution Cloud

Ultrafast Grid

Teste em Vários Navegadores

Validação de UI


Análise de Causa Raiz

Teste de Acessibilidade Visual

Casos de uso da Applitools


Teste de Web


Teste de Dispositivos Móveis


Teste de Storybook


Teste de PDF


Teste Visual


Teste Funcional


Teste de Navegadores Cruzados


Teste de Design Responsivo


Teste de Localização


Teste de Conformidade


Teste de Acessibilidade


Teste sem Código

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Current State of AI Features for Software Testers

In this video, I am talking about the current state of AI features in software testing tools. I am talking about AI features that I have used myself over the last months. At the same time, I am sharing with you the tool provider, so you can follow up on them. I highly recommend you to watch the video till the end to get the current state of AI features for software testers. 🌐 Key Highlights: - Automated Test Scripting: Discover how AI can streamline your testing process with automated test script generation, saving you time and enhancing accuracy. - Predictive Defect Analysis: Uncover the power of predictive analytics in identifying potential defects before they manifest, allowing you to proactively address issues. - Intelligent Test Case Prioritization: Explore AI-driven algorithms that intelligently prioritize your test cases, optimizing your testing efforts for maximum impact. - Dynamic Test Environment Configuration: Learn how AI facilitates dynamic configuration of test environments, ensuring realistic testing scenarios for your comprehensive evaluations. 🎓 Who Should Watch? - You, the Software Tester and QA Professional - AI Enthusiasts in Software Development - Tech Leaders and Project Managers Enjoy the video. ✨ A big thank you to the main video sponsor: ShiftSync powered by Tricentis. ✨ The community about quality engineering. If you are a developer, testers, devOps or product specialist, don't hesitate to jump over to the Shiftsync community to exchange with like-minded people. You can exchange with people on all tech and quality related topics. From software development, software design, software testing, security, performance testing and what not. Also, the latest trends in the tech world are covered. You can browse through excellent topics, blogs and videos. The vibrant community is hosting regular webinars on the latest tech trends like AI. At the same time, You can participate in challenges and win cool prices. 👉 Use this link for more information about ShiftSync: https://shiftsync.tricentis.com/?utm_source=shiftsync&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=mp_community_global_en_2023-10&utm_content=dk_q4 Links: 🔗 Kelvin Mu AI Overview: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7043395787585712128/ 🔗 https://katalon.com/ 🔗 https://www.testresults.io/ 🔗 https://testrigor.com/ 🔗 https://www.virtuoso.qa/ 🔗 https://www.functionize.com/ 🔗 https://www.testim.io/ 🔗 https://www.mabl.com/ 🔗 https://www.qyrus.com/ 🔗 https://mostly.ai/ 🔗 https://tonic.ai/ 🔗 https://www.synthesized.io/ 🔗 https://www.accelq.com/ 🔗 https://aqua-cloud.io/de/ 🔗 https://applitools.com/ 🔗 https://www.browserstack.com/ 🔗 https://www.lambdatest.com/ 🔗 https://kobiton.com/ 🔗 https://github.com/newsuk/AyeSpy Timestamps: 00:00 Intro and the AI boom of 2023 04:08 Sponsor time 05:45 AI promises many things 06:25 AI tool overview 07:23 Current state of AI in software testing 08:53 AI Self healing tests 11:37 AI test code generation 15:15 AI test data generation 16:54 AI test case generation 19:05 AI code explanation 21:26 AI visual checks 22:55 AI natural language processing 24:36 AI in testing summary 👍 Like, Share, and Comment: If you're excited about the future of AI in your software testing journey, give this video a thumbs up, share it with your network, and share your thoughts in the comments. 🎗️ Become a channel member: 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXB6zy4Pu9bPVQHvS8XKLUw/join 📚 My Book 👉 https://leanpub.com/Mobileapptesting 👉 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2GMLVHY/ 👨🏽‍💻 Online course 🧑🏼‍🏫 A Beginners Guide To Mobile Testing: https://www.ministryoftesting.com/dojo/courses/beginner-s-guide-to-mobile-testing-daniel-knott by Daniel Knott My equipment: 📸 Hardware: 🔗 * iPhone 12: https://amzn.to/3CVbRIZ 🔗 * MacBook Pro: https://amzn.to/3CSSZdy 🔗 * Green box background: https://amzn.to/3XDEEtl 🔗 * Microphone: https://amzn.to/3XDEp1p 🔗 * LED Ring Light: https://amzn.to/3WdjgtX 💿 Software: 🔗 Camtasia https://www.techsmith.com/store/camtasia The links marked with * are affiliate links that belong to the Amazon affiliate program. If you buy something through these links, I get a commission, of course without you having to pay more. #softwaretesting #GenerativeAI #testing #AItools #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #CreativeAI #AIInnovation #TextGeneration #DeepLearning #AIModels #GenerativeModels #NLP #TechInnovation #AIProgramming #DigitalCreativity #TechTools #CodeGeneration #Automation #FutureTech #AIDevelopment #InnovativeTech

Software Testing by Daniel Knott
Nov 20 2023

Hướng dẫn test web application - Visual UI - Manual and Automation Test -Check Color, Font

Trong bài chia sẻ này, Testing4everyone xin chia sẻ các khái niệm cơ bản về Visual UI Testing cho software testing nói chung và Web application nói riêng. - Các điểm kiểm thử (Testing checklist for web UI Testing) - Manual and Automation testing approach cho web UI testing Manual testing with chrome extention: - WhatFont: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/whatfont/jabopobgcpjmedljpbcaablpmlmfcogm?pli=1 - CSSView: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/cssviewer/ggfgijbpiheegefliciemofobhmofgce - ColorZilla: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/bhlhnicpbhignbdhedgjhgdocnmhomnp Automation AI Tools: - Percy tool: https://percy.io/ - Applitools: https://applitools.com/ ========================================================================= 📚 FREE COURSE (Các khoá học miễn phí cùng Testing4Everyone) 📗 - Python with Playwright: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvJ2OSz_lZc&list=PLlc3Nq1yAXsa3_b58JozgZczYHtaw9jmP 📗 - WebDriver IO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVB1GS4z_IQ&list=PLlc3Nq1yAXsaiefMISAt3RwQpO6V9j34g 📗 - TestingTips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwRbvvJ6IcM&list=PLlc3Nq1yAXsZSOcPB7TdjpM7ZC1xuELg7 MY BLOG 📗 Follow me on my blog content: https://doaitran.super.site ABOUT ME Doai Tran - Quality Architecture Engineer Everything about software testing - Email: josdoaitran@gmail.com, doai.tran@outlook.com - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Testing4Everyone - Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@testing4everyone

Feb 25 2024

Я меняю профессию! Как стать тестировщиком автоматизатором или QA Automation? Анна Паттерсон.

Начать карьеру в IT с профессии QA или тестировщик проще всего. Обычно мы говорим про мануальщиков, но сегодня мы будем писать код и покажем на моем примере, как это просто! Да да, я буду учиться тестировать сегодня, не пропустите! А помогать мне будет Анна Паттерсон, ведущий тестировщик автоматизатор на CypressSoftware Test Automation Engineer and Lead| Cypress, JavaScript. Кто такой тестировщик автоматизитор или QA Automation? И чем он отличается от ручного или мануального? Что такое Cypress? Чем отличается от Selenium Какие знания нужны чтобы стать тестировщиком на Cypress? Насколько востребован Cypress в США? В каких компаниях я могу работать? Сколько получает тестировщик на Cypress? Сколько нужно времени, чтобы мне стать уверенным пользователем Cypress и уже начать искать работу? Anna (Momatava) Patterson https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-patterson-615a6281/ Записаться к Ане на консультацию https://calendly.com/anna_patterson LinkedIn 2023: latest tips and tricks. How to stand out and make recruiters notice you! Yana Kuzmina https://youtu.be/fyRaI3A8Nn4 Обучиться 3 месяца и получать $100,000? Ложь или реальность? Школы QA в США. Виктор Богуцкий (PASV). https://youtube.com/live/onrO-dmR54M Вся правда о QA школах в США. Самый легкий путь в IT. Анонимное интервью. https://youtu.be/jU8PpVBD2Usv  Рекомендации, книги, ресурсы Бесплатные ресурсы: * Гарвардский курс по основам программирования/ Harvard University’s course that goes over the big concepts of Computer Science: https://pll.harvard.edu/course/cs50-introduction-computer-science?delta=0 * Введение в Cypress/Introduction to Cypress: https://testautomationu.applitools.com/cypress-tutorial/chapter1.html * Cypress documentation: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/end-to-end-testing/writing-your-first-end-to-end-test * Cypress overview from its founder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XQOK0v_YRE * Source Control for Test Automation with Git: https://testautomationu.applitools.com/git-tutorial/ * Continuous integration with Cypress: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saYovXS9Llk  * Useful blogs: https://filiphric.com/blog, https://glebbahmutov.com/blog  * Portfolio projects: https://applitools.com/blog/project-portfolio-for-testers/  Записаться на карьерную консультацию https://annanaumova.com Поддержать канал: Тинькофф https://www.tinkoff.ru/rm/naumova.anna82/a8hYC68329/ Venmo https://account.venmo.com/u/Anna-Naumova-2 PayPal https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/naumovaa Boosty https://boosty.to/prodcast Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ProdcastNaumova ⏰ Timecodes ⏰ 0:00 Вступление - автоматизация как способ улучшить портфолио? 0:57 Начало 2:46 В гостях - Анна Паттерсон! 7:30 Переход из тестирования в автоматизацию. В чем отличие? 15:05 Про Cypress и Selenium. 21:12 Востребованны ли тестировщики Cypress? 25:40 Сколько получают тестировщики Cypress? 29:00 Кейс автоматизации для начинающих на живом примере! 01:00:59 Советы и рекомендации начинающим

Prodcast: Поиск работы в IT и релокация в США
May 08 2023

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Applitools: Applitools é uma plataforma de testes visuais que usa IA para melhorar a automação e reduzir custos.
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