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Inworld é um motor de IA que cria personagens imersivos em jogos com comportamento realista.
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Mar 07 2023
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Inworld Informações do produto

O que é Inworld?

Inworld é um Motor de Personagens para NPCs de IA que permite a criação de personagens em jogos imersivos e realistas com comportamentos complexos através de uma expressão multimodal da personalidade. Ele impulsiona NPCs realistas e contextualmente conscientes que permanecem no mundo do jogo e aumentam o envolvimento dos jogadores.

Como usar Inworld?

Para usar o Inworld, os desenvolvedores podem integrar o Motor de Personagens em suas aplicações e jogos em tempo real. Eles podem configurar personalidades distintas e conscientização contextual para seus NPCs de IA usando linguagem natural e controles simples. O Inworld fornece APIs e integrações para motores de jogos populares, facilitando a criação de NPCs impulsionados por IA. A plataforma oferece modelagem de comportamento avançada, incluindo conversas, voz, animações e emoções, permitindo que os desenvolvedores criem experiências imersivas e interativas.

Principais recursos da Inworld

Expressão multimodal da personalidade

IA em tempo real otimizada para desempenho e escala

Modelagem avançada de comportamento com conversas, voz, animações e emoções

Malha contextual para renderizar NPCs dentro da lógica e fantasia de seus mundos

Controles configuráveis de segurança, conhecimento, narrativa e memória

Casos de uso da Inworld


Jogos: Crie mundos mais realistas com NPCs impulsionados por IA que podem pensar, falar e agir por si próprios, levando a imersão para o próximo nível.


Entretenimento: Permita que os fãs interajam com seus personagens favoritos de uma maneira totalmente nova, possibilitando um engajamento dinâmico com personagens vivos e gêmeos digitais.


Marcas e Experiência do Cliente: Crie embaixadores de marca empáticos e agentes de atendimento ao cliente com NPCs de IA que podem sair do roteiro, mas permanecem com a identidade da marca.


Treinamento e Educação: Capacite experiências de aprendizado personalizadas, simulações interativas e aprendizado gamificado com NPCs de IA.

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Future of Elder Scrolls & RPG - Skyrim NPCs & Inworld AI (like GPT-4 for gaming)

The following video demonstrates the use of Inworld AI to power NPCs in Skyrim with a custom-built story engine for dialogue interactions. Download the mod from here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98481 With Inworld's powerful AI character platform, you can now chat with NPCs in Skyrim on your own terms. Get almost instant responses that stay true to each character's unique personality, and immerse yourself even further in the game's universe. This is the future of roleplaying games. Watch the video of me wandering around the Whiterun, talking with Lydia about what she does while she is waiting, or asking secret love of Jon Battle-Born, or finding out facts about skooma or learning the actual personality and backstory of our glorious memeguard, "I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee"! Curious about how it works? Check out the source code! I'm not exactly a seasoned Skyrim modder so, I'm leaving the source code for people who know what they are doing. But in a nutshell, the mod creates a connection between Inworld's system and Skyrim, allowing you to approach NPCs and start typing your message. The NPCs are constructed with their own predefined story engine, so you can rest assured that each character will stay true to their original personality. Some may worry that this AI conversation system will replace the handcrafted characters and quests that make Skyrim so special. But fear not! The current dialogue options in the game are still there, and the countless hours put in by the Bethesda team to craft these personalities are not ignored. The AI conversation system simply adds an extra layer of immersion to keep you engaged even further. Currently, it allows player (you) to approach NPCs and press Y and start typing the message, instead of using E key to interact. When you get the answer from NPC, you can either hear it's voice or read the text (special subtitle - not game's subtitle) Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bloctheworker Source code: https://github.com/BlocTheWorker/Inworld-Skyrim-Mod About Inworld: https://inworld.ai/?utm_campaign=bloctheworker-skyrim&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube Notes: Sorry for occasional typos and agonizing DOF :) Voices are created with ElevenLabs' great system and not part of Inworld. Adding ElevenLabs integration to mod could add extra delays, which wouldn't be fair to Inworld. But given that mod is getting text, any Text-to-speech system can be utilized in this mod. Yes, technically you can even use xVASynth. FAQ: Can Speech to Text be used instead of typing? Yes, that's possible. Can we have run-time TTS? Yes, you can. Although, for ElevenLabs, you do need quite a bit work to setup. Also you will need some "credits" Can this have effect on gameplay directly (like starting quests etc)? Not at the moment. Can we use Microphone and just talk to them? Yes! Even though in the video I didn't show anything like that, Inworld does come with Speech to Text model. So you don't even need to install anything extra in normal circumstances. Is this using ChatGPT? In a way, yes. Inworld is working with OpenAI under the hood. Arrow in the knee was slang for getting married!!: No it is not. See: https://elderscrolls.bethesda.net/en/article/6KNyeH7wG4FOFIEev8VaX1/how-an-arrow-in-the-knee-made-its-way-to-skyrim "Pagliarulo confirms that the line is literal – “an arrow in the knee” isn’t Skyrim slang for going down on one knee to propose and start a family, for example." About typos/grammar: On some parts, I intentionally asked ambiguous questions with bad grammar, but some other minor typos were related to me trying to type as fast as I can to avoid the video taking more than ~25 mins with me thinking of a creative improvised question. Honorable mentions: mrowrpurr - her great tutorials and discord helped me a lot in my journey to Skyrim modding. uiExtensions and iWidgets mods - eased the pain with Skyrim UI modding (it's nightmare) and Inworld team for being cool with this crazy idea! #skyrim #arrowintheknee #skyrimmods #chatgpt #gpt #gpt4 #gptai #ai #gaming #skyrimchatgpt skyrim chatgpt

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Inworld: Inworld é um motor de IA que cria personagens imersivos em jogos com comportamento realista.
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