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Escuta de mídias sociais
Identifying problems and giving solutions -EP#26 Inta Buša #AI #podcast #ceo #education #interaction
In this episode of AI Ranch, we dive into the evolving role of AI in business and education. Inta Buša shares insights into the surprising low adoption rates of AI in critical business processes, the challenges of competing against gut instinct and Excel sheets, and the untapped potential of automation tools. We explore how students are integrating AI into their studies, the pitfalls of over-reliance on tools like ChatGPT, and the importance of originality and practice. We also discuss what it takes for entrepreneurs to succeed in the AI-driven startup world, from validating ideas to pitching effectively in a fast-paced environment. Tune in to learn how to navigate the noise, stay ahead of the curve, and leverage the latest tools and communities to thrive in the age of AI. Don’t miss this inspiring conversation filled with actionable advice and real-world experiences! Subscribe to “AI RANCH” for more enlightening talks on AI and its multifaceted impact on various industries. 🤖 #AIRanch #AI #entrepreneurship #podcast #ceo #education #interaction #learning https://asya.ai https://pitchpatterns.com https://eldigen.com https://instagram.com/ai.ranch https://tiktok.com/@ai.ranch https://x.com/Ai_Ranch https://x.com/YellowRobotXYZ
#26 Only 8% of Businesses Use AI: Why Adoption Is Lagging and How to Bridge the Gap - Inta Buša
In this episode of AI Ranch, we dive into the evolving role of AI in business and education. Inta Buša shares insights into the surprising low adoption rates of AI in critical business processes, the challenges of competing against gut instinct and Excel sheets, and the untapped potential of automation tools. We explore how students are integrating AI into their studies, the pitfalls of over-reliance on tools like ChatGPT, and the importance of originality and practice. We also discuss what it takes for entrepreneurs to succeed in the AI-driven startup world, from validating ideas to pitching effectively in a fast-paced environment. Tune in to learn how to navigate the noise, stay ahead of the curve, and leverage the latest tools and communities to thrive in the age of AI. Don’t miss this inspiring conversation filled with actionable advice and real-world experiences! Subscribe to “AI RANCH” for more enlightening talks on AI and its multifaceted impact on various industries. 🤖 #AIRanch #AI #entrepreneurship #podcast #ceo #education #interaction #learning #6hours #workweek https://asya.ai https://pitchpatterns.com https://eldigen.com https://instagram.com/ai.ranch https://tiktok.com/@ai.ranch https://x.com/Ai_Ranch https://x.com/YellowRobotXYZ
AI RANCH - February AI Trend Review
In this episode of AI Ranch, we dive into the AI Trends of 2025 OUTLINE: 0:00 - Introduction 0:42 - AI Agents in 2025 28:32 - Solo entrepreneurship or Hyper-productive small teams 38:50 - Layoffs because of AI technology 57:05 - AI Anxiety and Regret 59:00 - Regulations and Law Subscribe to “AI RANCH” for more enlightening talks on AI and its multifaceted impact on various industries. https://asya.ai https://pitchpatterns.com https://eldigen.com https://instagram.com/ai.ranch https://tiktok.com/@ai.ranch https://x.com/Ai_Ranch https://x.com/YellowRobotXYZ
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