Hints Playbook AI - Chrome Extension

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Hints Playbook AI improves data and forecast quality in HubSpot or Pipedrive by auto-updating caller data from video calls to relevant CRM objects and fields.
Updated Time
Nov 24 2023
Active Users
Hints Playbook AI AI Chrome Extension Information

What is Hints Playbook AI ai chrome extension?

Hints Playbook AI improves data and forecast quality in HubSpot or Pipedrive by auto-updating caller data from video calls to relevant CRM objects and fields.

How to use Hints Playbook AI ai chrome extension?

Use Hints Playbook AI as a co-pilot during calls in Google Meet, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams web version. Customize fields with notes, access conversation transcripts post-call.

Hints Playbook AI ai chrome extension's Core Features

Auto-update caller data to CRM

Customizable field notes

Access to post-call conversation transcripts

Hints Playbook AI ai chrome extension's Use Cases


Automated data entry from video calls to CRM


Enhanced call quality with real-time insights


Improved forecast accuracy through updated caller information

FAQ from Hints Playbook AI

Can I customize the fields sent to CRM?

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