Clyr AI Chrome Extension Information

What is Clyr ai chrome extension?

Expense and Spend Management with Receipt and Invoice Capture

How to use Clyr ai chrome extension?

1. Install the extension. 2. Log in or register on Clyr. 3. Click the Clyr icon when you receive a receipt/invoice. 4. Snap the image for automatic matching and categorization.

Clyr ai chrome extension's Core Features

Snap Receipts & Invoices

Seamless Integration

Card Agnostic

Real-Time Notifications

Automated Matching & Smart Categorization

Clyr ai chrome extension's Use Cases


Effortlessly capture and categorize receipts and invoices


Receive real-time expense notifications


Save time on expense management

FAQ from Clyr

Why choose Clyr?

Analytic of Clyr AI Chrome Extension

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