Staffing Engine - Chrome Extension

1 Reviews
1 Saved
Boost team productivity with real-time alerts.
Updated Time
Dec 10 2024
Active Users
Browser Extension
AI Recruiting
Staffing Engine AI Chrome Extension Information

What is Staffing Engine ai chrome extension?

Staffing Engine is an AI Assistant that helps teams respond faster to opportunities, increase productivity, and place more candidates by providing real-time alerts from Bullhorn.

How to use Staffing Engine ai chrome extension?

1. Opt-in to alerts for candidates, jobs, client submissions, interviews, submissions, and placements. 2. Stay connected to Bullhorn activity from any webpage. 3. Filter and favorite alerts for easy access and follow-up. 4. Integrate with MS Teams or Slack for seamless remote work.

Staffing Engine ai chrome extension's Core Features

Real-time alerts from Bullhorn

Instant access to Bullhorn from any webpage

Centralized notifications and placement alerts for team motivation

Staffing Engine ai chrome extension's Use Cases


Receive notifications for new candidates and client submissions


Distribute new leads to the right team member in real-time


Stay updated on all recruiting process activities

FAQ from Staffing Engine

How can Staffing Engine help increase team productivity?

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