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A Guide to Picking Between OpenDevin and Devika
The Open Source AI About to Revolutionize Software Engineering I wanted to find out which one was worth investing time into. I kind of came out inconclusive. Maybe leaning more towards Devika, because of the slightly easier time setting up. However eventually they both might become easy to install. And the winner will be whoever can do more. Topics I kinda, sorta, barely touch on: - OpenDevin - Devika Join My Newsletter for Weekly AI Updates? ✅ https://rebrand.ly/kh7q4tv Need AI Consulting? ✅ https://rebrand.ly/543hphi Experiment with Top LLMs and Agents? ✅ https://chattree.app/ USE CODE "JakeB" for 25% discount MY LINKS 👉🏻 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2yxl7f69pfgRGGmO_HY5pA?sub_confirmation=1 👉🏻 Twitter: https://twitter.com/jakebatsuuri 👉🏻 Instagram: https://instagram.com/jakebatsuuri/ 👉🏻 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jakebatsuuri MEDIA & SPONSORSHIP INQUIRIES https://rebrand.ly/pvumlzb SOURCES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKD4a_sv69o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw9nTK42bTw TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Intro 0:57 OpenDevin 1:57 Devika 2:44 Final Thoughts ABOUT: My name is Jake Batsuuri, developer who shares interesting AI experiments & products. Email me if you want my help with anything! #metagpt #aiagents #agents #gpt #autogpt #ai #artificialintelligence #tutorial #stepbystep #openai #llm #largelanguagemodels #largelanguagemodel #chatgpt #gpt4 #machinelearning