用幾分鐘就能建立一個訓練過的 AI 聊天機器人,不需要程式設計經驗。輕鬆自訂聊天機器人小工具,提升您網站的使用者體驗。
1. 建立並訓練具有自定義資料的聊天機器人。 2. 在您的網站上嵌入聊天機器人。 3. 監控聊天歷史記錄和分析,以進行改進。
ChatBuilder.io 公司名稱:ChatBuild AI 。
ChatBuilder.io Youtube連結:https://www.chatbuild.io/
ChatBuilder.io Twitter連結:https://twitter.com/brett__westwood
I Built A Startup in 1 Month (SaaS)
ChatBuild.io is the startup I built which is an AI chatbot builder that can be trained on your own data points and then integrated onto your website. In this video, I go over what I built, why I built it, how I built in, marketing techniques for SaaS/startup businesses and how many customers I currently have. I used Next.js to code the startup, along with other technologies that aide in the development of this full stack framework. Chatbuild.io is currently functional and live right now, so go check it out 👇 https://www.chatbuild.io/ Timestamps 0:00 Intro 0:48 Overview of what I will talk about 1:14 What I Built 5:40 Why I Built This Startup 8:33 How I Built This Startup 11:17 Marketing Techniques for your Startup 15:56 How Many Customers Do I Have? 18:52 Outro