📊 Google Analytics 4 + BigQuery | How To Link BigQuery GA4 Tutorial To Build Reports
Are you utilizing Google Analytics 4 and bigquery to their fullest potential? If not, you're missing out! In this video, we'll show you how to link your Google Analytics 4 account to your bigquery account so you can track your data in the most effective way possible.
By linking your Google Analytics 4 and bigquery accounts, you'll be able to track your data in a more comprehensive way and avoid any API quota limits. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to improve your business operations in no time!
CREATE A BIGQUERY ACCOUNT - https://cloud.google.com/bigquery
GA4 EXPORT DATA SOURCE SCHEMA - https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/7029846
BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN BIGQUERY AND GA4 - https://developers.google.com/analytics/blog/2023/bigquery-vs-ui
👀 GET THE CHEATSHEET - https://geni.us/ga4xbq_cheatsheet
00:00 Intro & API Quota Limits
01:32 Overview
02:16 Linking GA4 to BigQuery
03:57 Latitude.so Sponsorship
05:48 BigQuery Data Streaming Costs
06:13 What GA4 Data in BigQuery Looks Like
06:40 Connecting Looker Studio to BigQuery
07:19 GA4 Events Data Structure Explained
08:22 Building GA4 Metrics & Dimensions
13:28 Outro
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7 Steps to Your 1st BI Analyst Job - https://geni.us/7stepstobivid
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Ultimate Guide to Looker Studio - https://geni.us/vbi-edu
Google Data Analytics Course - https://geni.us/coursera_analytics
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Skills You Need To Succeed In BI - https://geni.us/biskills-ebook
Power BI - https://powerbi.microsoft.com/
Tableau - https://www.tableau.com/
Looker Studio - https://datastudio.google.com/
Power My Analytics: https://geni.us/YLc9Re
Supermetrics: https://geni.us/supermetrics
Data Slayer: https://geni.us/dataslayer
Kaggle - https://www.kaggle.com/
Statista - https://www.statista.com/
Data World - https://data.world/
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#googleanalytics #bigquery #ga4
📊 Google Analytics 4 + BigQuery | How To Link BigQuery GA4 Tutorial To Build Reports
THANKS TO LATITUDE FOR SPONSORING THIS VIDEO. CHECK THEM OUT HERE: https://geni.us/latitude_yt Are you utilizing Google Analytics 4 and bigquery to their fullest potential? If not, you're missing out! In this video, we'll show you how to link your Google Analytics 4 account to your bigquery account so you can track your data in the most effective way possible. By linking your Google Analytics 4 and bigquery accounts, you'll be able to track your data in a more comprehensive way and avoid any API quota limits. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to improve your business operations in no time! CREATE A BIGQUERY ACCOUNT - https://cloud.google.com/bigquery GA4 EXPORT DATA SOURCE SCHEMA - https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/7029846 BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN BIGQUERY AND GA4 - https://developers.google.com/analytics/blog/2023/bigquery-vs-ui 👀 GET THE CHEATSHEET - https://geni.us/ga4xbq_cheatsheet 00:00 Intro & API Quota Limits 01:32 Overview 02:16 Linking GA4 to BigQuery 03:57 Latitude.so Sponsorship 05:48 BigQuery Data Streaming Costs 06:13 What GA4 Data in BigQuery Looks Like 06:40 Connecting Looker Studio to BigQuery 07:19 GA4 Events Data Structure Explained 08:22 Building GA4 Metrics & Dimensions 13:28 Outro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START YOUR BI JOURNEY! - https://learnbi.online 🎥 RECOMMENDED VIEWING 7 Steps to Your 1st BI Analyst Job - https://geni.us/7stepstobivid Learn Basic SQL in 15 Minutes - https://geni.us/learnbasicsql15-1 BI For Beginners Playlist - https://geni.us/biforbeginners-play 🎓 RECOMMENDED COURSES Power BI For Business Intelligence - https://geni.us/powerbi-udemy Ultimate Guide to Looker Studio - https://geni.us/vbi-edu Google Data Analytics Course - https://geni.us/coursera_analytics Learn SQL - https://geni.us/learnsql SKILLSHARE - 30-day free trial! - https://geni.us/skillshare30day UDEMY - https://geni.us/udemy_vb 📕 FREE EBOOKS 7 Top Tips For Better Dashboard Design - https://geni.us/dashdes-ebook Skills You Need To Succeed In BI - https://geni.us/biskills-ebook 🧰 BI TOOLS Power BI - https://powerbi.microsoft.com/ Tableau - https://www.tableau.com/ Looker Studio - https://datastudio.google.com/ 📊 DATA HUBS & WEBSITES: Power My Analytics: https://geni.us/YLc9Re Supermetrics: https://geni.us/supermetrics Data Slayer: https://geni.us/dataslayer Kaggle - https://www.kaggle.com/ Statista - https://www.statista.com/ Data World - https://data.world/ 📕THE DATA VISUALISATION BIBLE - https://geni.us/iJTa8 DISCLAIMER: Some of the above links are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase using them, at no additional cost to you. It really helps support the channel so thanks in advance if you do use them 🙏 ✅ LET'S CONNECT! BUSINESS INQUIRIES - https://learnbi.online/contact CONSULTING CALL WITH ADAM - https://geni.us/bookacall-adamfiner JOIN MY MAILING LIST - https://geni.us/PSgRsF FACEBOOK GROUP - https://geni.us/learnbi-fbg #googleanalytics #bigquery #ga4
📊 Google Analytics 4 + BigQuery | How To Link BigQuery GA4 Tutorial To Build Reports
THANKS TO LATITUDE FOR SPONSORING THIS VIDEO. CHECK THEM OUT HERE: https://geni.us/latitude_yt Are you utilizing Google Analytics 4 and bigquery to their fullest potential? If not, you're missing out! In this video, we'll show you how to link your Google Analytics 4 account to your bigquery account so you can track your data in the most effective way possible. By linking your Google Analytics 4 and bigquery accounts, you'll be able to track your data in a more comprehensive way and avoid any API quota limits. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to improve your business operations in no time! CREATE A BIGQUERY ACCOUNT - https://cloud.google.com/bigquery GA4 EXPORT DATA SOURCE SCHEMA - https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/7029846 BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN BIGQUERY AND GA4 - https://developers.google.com/analytics/blog/2023/bigquery-vs-ui 👀 GET THE CHEATSHEET - https://geni.us/ga4xbq_cheatsheet 00:00 Intro & API Quota Limits 01:32 Overview 02:16 Linking GA4 to BigQuery 03:57 Latitude.so Sponsorship 05:48 BigQuery Data Streaming Costs 06:13 What GA4 Data in BigQuery Looks Like 06:40 Connecting Looker Studio to BigQuery 07:19 GA4 Events Data Structure Explained 08:22 Building GA4 Metrics & Dimensions 13:28 Outro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START YOUR BI JOURNEY! - https://learnbi.online 🎥 RECOMMENDED VIEWING 7 Steps to Your 1st BI Analyst Job - https://geni.us/7stepstobivid Learn Basic SQL in 15 Minutes - https://geni.us/learnbasicsql15-1 BI For Beginners Playlist - https://geni.us/biforbeginners-play 🎓 RECOMMENDED COURSES Power BI For Business Intelligence - https://geni.us/powerbi-udemy Ultimate Guide to Looker Studio - https://geni.us/vbi-edu Google Data Analytics Course - https://geni.us/coursera_analytics Learn SQL - https://geni.us/learnsql SKILLSHARE - 30-day free trial! - https://geni.us/skillshare30day UDEMY - https://geni.us/udemy_vb 📕 FREE EBOOKS 7 Top Tips For Better Dashboard Design - https://geni.us/dashdes-ebook Skills You Need To Succeed In BI - https://geni.us/biskills-ebook 🧰 BI TOOLS Power BI - https://powerbi.microsoft.com/ Tableau - https://www.tableau.com/ Looker Studio - https://datastudio.google.com/ 📊 DATA HUBS & WEBSITES: Power My Analytics: https://geni.us/YLc9Re Supermetrics: https://geni.us/supermetrics Data Slayer: https://geni.us/dataslayer Kaggle - https://www.kaggle.com/ Statista - https://www.statista.com/ Data World - https://data.world/ 📕THE DATA VISUALISATION BIBLE - https://geni.us/iJTa8 DISCLAIMER: Some of the above links are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase using them, at no additional cost to you. It really helps support the channel so thanks in advance if you do use them 🙏 ✅ LET'S CONNECT! BUSINESS INQUIRIES - https://learnbi.online/contact CONSULTING CALL WITH ADAM - https://geni.us/bookacall-adamfiner JOIN MY MAILING LIST - https://geni.us/PSgRsF FACEBOOK GROUP - https://geni.us/learnbi-fbg #googleanalytics #bigquery #ga4
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