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작성자: Taiba Hasan 님의 글 4월 15 2024
이 11가지 필수 팁으로 AI 프로그램 제작의 기술을 숙달해보세요. 오늘부터 혁신적인 솔루션을 만들어보세요!
소셜 리스닝
W-49kg European Weightlifting Championships 2023
Italy's European Champion Giulia Imperio faced off with the return of the Romanian Mihaela Cambei in an extraordinary battle at the European Weightlifting Championships 2023 in the -49kg women's session. Buy 2 get 1 FREE 'mix & match' https://www.weightliftinghouse.com Join the team http://weightlifting.ai/ 00:00 Back room 05:32 Snatches 55:40 Interval 1:06:13 Clean and jerks 1:56:35 recap and highlights
W-49kg European Weightlifting Championships 2023
Italy's European Champion Giulia Imperio faced off with the return of the Romanian Mihaela Cambei in an extraordinary battle at the European Weightlifting Championships 2023 in the -49kg women's session. Buy 2 get 1 FREE 'mix & match' https://www.weightliftinghouse.com Join the team http://weightlifting.ai/ 00:00 Back room 05:32 Snatches 55:40 Interval 1:06:13 Clean and jerks 1:56:35 recap and highlights
W-71kg European Weightlifting Championships 2023
World Champion weightlifter Loredana Toma returned to competition at her first European Championships in several years. Facing her would be Italy's snatch sensation Giulia Miserendino and Britain's Sarah Davies. Shop W|H https://weightliftinghouse.com/ Join the team http://weightlifting.ai/ 00:00 Back room 03:32 Snatches 43:32 Interval 54:00 Clean and jerks 1:39:17 recap and highlights
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