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Aampe Informações do produto

O que é Aampe?

Aampe é um CDP com agência que descobre e age em padrões nos dados de marketing - orquestrando mensagens ao usuário, construindo experiências de produto em tempo real, melhorando recomendações, etc., para gerar novos dados e melhorar o envolvimento do usuário, conversões e retenção.

Como usar Aampe?

Bem-vindo ao Aampe, a Personalização Orientada por Mensagem! Automação de Marketing de CRM impulsionada por IA. Crie experiências personalizadas de clientes por meio de vários canais que aumentam o envolvimento e a retenção dos clientes.

Principais recursos da Aampe

Orquestração de Jornada do Usuário Impulsionada por IA para Aplicativos

Casos de uso da Aampe


Melhorar conversões em comércio eletrônico


Aumentar as sessões do usuário


Engajar usuários inativos

Perguntas frequentes de Aampe

Aampe substitui minha plataforma CRM atual ou provedor CPaaS?

Preciso configurar 'o básico' antes de usar o Aampe?

Quantos usuários eu preciso para o Aampe funcionar?

Aampe é apenas aprendizado de máquina?

Aampe ajuda apenas com envios e cliques, ou pode ajudar com ações intermediárias e no final do funil também?

Por que devo confiar no produto e na tecnologia da Aampe?

Eu já tenho uma equipe incrível de ciência de dados, por que preciso do Aampe?

Eu não tenho uma equipe de ciência de dados, posso obter algum benefício do Aampe?

Se o Aampe automatiza totalmente meu CRM, eu perco o controle?

Posso enviar mensagens ad hoc para meus clientes se precisar?

O Aampe pode ajudar a gerar conteúdo ou apenas selecionar e agendar?

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How to log all of your push notifications

Why would you want to create a log of old notifications? Well, there are a few reasons...Maybe you accidentally swiped a notification away and wanted to see what it said, or maybe, like us, you want to build a competitive library of push notifications an app has sent over time to learn more about them and their messaging strategy. Either way, there are many notification logger apps on both Google Play and the Apple App Store, but most fall short in one way or another. One of the biggest issues is that all of these stored notifications can take up quite a bit of room on your phone. The other issue is that you can't save these notifications in an organized way like in a spreadsheet, where you can sort, filter, and analyze them (again, this is key to how we do our marketing research).‍ For marketers, storing and tracking notifications can give you valuable insights — not just into your own customer experience — but also into how your competitors are managing theirs. By tracking competitive notifications, you can learn: *What is their overall messaging strategy? *What's their messaging cadence? (Frequency and time of send)What type of tone/language do they use? *What triggers are they using? *Are they using discounts? If so, what level and how frequently? *Are they sending recommendations? If so, are they truly personalized or are they sending the same ones to everybody? *What is their level of personalization? ...and a ton more!‍ (If you'd like to see our library of almost 30,000 logged push notifications we've recorded for a variety of industries, you can see them at compose.aampe.com/inspiration.)‍ So, without further ado, here's how you set up your own phone notification log:‍ Step 1: Download the IFTTT app Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ifttt.ifttt&hl=en_US&gl=US Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ifttt-automate-work-and-home/id660944635 Step 2: Connect this applet and your Gmail account‍: https://ifttt.com/applets/eLqFf5Ev-save-notifications-from-all-of-your-apps-to-a-google-spreadsheet ...and that's literally it! Now, whenever you receive a new notification on your phone, it will be logged into a spreadsheet in your Google Drive account. There will be a new folder under your Google Drive called "IFTTT" which will contain a "Notifications" folder. Inside that folder will be a spreadsheet with a log of the notifications you've received. Logging competitive push notifications is a great source of intel into your — and your competitor's — lifecycle strategy...and since this takes virtually no effort to set up, there's no reason *not* to do it!‍ If you need any help, please reach out at www.aampe.com, and don't forget to get a head start by checking out our library of almost 30,000 saved notifications from a variety of industries!

Nov 10 2023

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Aampe: Melhore o envolvimento do usuário e a retenção por meio do marketing orientado por dados.
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