Aisera é uma plataforma de IA generativa para empresas que ajuda a automatizar fluxos de trabalho para TI, RH, suporte ao cliente, vendas e operações em escala.
Para usar a Aisera, as empresas podem implantar a solução pronta para uso AiseraGPT com bots de ação alimentados por LLMs específicos do domínio, aproveitar o bot de concierge AI Copilot com notificações proativas e prompts personalizáveis, utilizar a pesquisa de IA em toda a empresa com resultados personalizados e conscientes de permissões, e construir seu próprio LLM e operacionalizar seu bot em semanas com AiseraLLM.
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Agentic AI、Agentic Workflow、AI Agents 一次搞清楚2025最熱門的AI術語
👍請訂閱、按讚,支持內容創作者💡 ✅內容介紹 最近Gartner預測2025年10大科技趨勢,其中第一個預測就是Agentic AI的使用。對於有關注我頻道的觀眾來說,這個預測比較像是review,因為在2024年7月初的時候,[AI通識課]和[AI知識庫] 就已經討論了Agentic Workflow和 Agentic Coding這兩個概念的重要性: 這部影片是要來跟大家聊聊兩個有點神秘、但又滿有趣的 AI 概念——「代理式人工智慧」 (Agentic AI) 和「人工智慧代理人」(AI Agents)。 首先,影片會教你怎麼說明什麼是 AI Agents,它們的用途、特徵,還有怎麼跟環境互動來完成目標。 再來,影片會帶你了解「大型語言模型代理人」,也就是 LLM Agent,揭開它的三大祕密武器:提示詞(告訴它任務是什麼)、記憶體(幫助它理解對話脈絡),還有工具使用能力,讓 AI 不只是聰明,還能「動手」解決問題! 之後,影片會進一步說明 Agentic AI,這個概念就是把一群 AI Agents 結合在一起,一起協作完成更複雜的任務。就像是 AI 界的「夢幻團隊」!他們可以分享資訊,互相協調,並且以更有條理的方式幫助你完成任務,比如說進行程式編碼等複雜工作。 最後,影片會聊到 Agentic AI 的一些特色,例如模組化,像樂高積木一樣,可以靈活組裝和更換。影片用輪胎更換的例子來說明,如果一個代理人「壞了」,不需要重建所有東西,直接換就好。總之,這部影片會讓你對 AI Agents 和 Agentic AI 有更全面的理解,而且還是用輕鬆易懂的方式帶你搞懂這些科技名詞! ✅您將能夠 * 解釋AI agents * 說明LLM agents的3大組成和3大能力 * 解釋Agentic AI * 說明Agentci AI的4個特色 ✅關鍵字 代理式人工智慧/代理人工智能 (Agentic AI)、代理式工作流程 (Agentic Workflow)、人工智慧代理人/人工智能代理 (AI agents)、可擴展性 (Scalability)、模組化 (Modularity)、互通性 (Interoperability)、強化學習 (Reinforcement Learning)、大型語言模型 (large language model, LLM) ✅影片推薦-背景知識 大型語言模型 LLM ✅參考資料 * IBM Technology 解說影片 * Aisera blog * Gartner 10大科技趨勢預測
NEW AI Benchmarks to change your thinking In the ever-evolving landscape of AI, we've all grown accustomed to the idea that bigger is better. Mega-models like GPT-4 have dominated the conversation, flexing their muscles with billions of parameters. But what if I told you that smaller, more agile models are sneaking in to steal the show? The new benchmarks are revealing that these leaner models, trained for specific use cases, are starting to outpace their larger, lumbering counterparts. These models aren't just a novelty—they're a game changer. They can run on embedded devices and smartphones, making AI accessible in ways we've only dreamed about. Here at StartupHakk we love to train Software Developers and build Custom Software Solutions. I do a lot of work as a Fractional CTO. With over a decade of executive leadership and a solid 25 years in software development, I've mastered the art of transforming technology teams and products. #codeyourfuture #ai #llm #coding
AI Agents: Revolutionizing Autonomous Systems!
Discover how AI agents are transforming autonomous systems with their ability to operate independently using advanced technologies. Learn about their types, key features, and applications across various domains, including chatbots, healthcare, and financial services. Enhance your understanding of these powerful tools driving efficiency and innovation. Explore more about AI agents and their impact on our world [here]( and [here]( byitl #aiagents #autonomoussystems #machinelearning #technologyinnovation