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Chatsimple é uma plataforma de chatbot de IA para empresas implantarem chatbots personalizados em websites sem codificação.
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Jun 09 2023
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Chatsimple Informações do produto

O que é Chatsimple?

Chatsimple é uma plataforma de chatbot de IA que permite às empresas implantar um chatbot AI personalizado ChatGPT em seus websites. A plataforma oferece integração fácil sem necessidade de codificação, permitindo que as empresas interajam com seus visitantes e melhorem a experiência do cliente.

Como usar Chatsimple?

Para usar o Chatsimple, siga estes passos: 1. Cadastre-se para uma conta no Chatsimple. 2. Personalize seu chatbot de IA treinando-o com seu website e dados. 3. Configure o chatbot em seu website em apenas 5 minutos. 4. Interaja com os visitantes do seu website e forneça assistência personalizada 24/7. 5. Obtenha informações valiosas a partir de conversas em tempo real para melhor entender seus clientes.

Principais recursos da Chatsimple

As principais características do Chatsimple incluem: - Implantação fácil e rápida de chatbots de IA em websites sem codificação. - Engajamento personalizado com os visitantes, fornecendo respostas de alta qualidade em tempo real. - Suporte para mais de 175 idiomas, permitindo que as empresas se envolvam com um público global. - Treinamento de chatbots usando seus próprios dados para orientar os usuários para os resultados desejados. - Otimização de conversões para transformar visitantes em clientes. - Descoberta de informações valiosas através da análise sumarizada de necessidades e questões dos clientes.

Casos de uso da Chatsimple


O Chatsimple é ideal para os seguintes casos de uso: - Impulsionar a geração de leads, nunca deixando perguntas dos clientes sem resposta e orientando-os para ações desejadas. - Entregar uma experiência de cliente de alta qualidade 24/7 personalizada para cada visitante. - Dar suporte aos clientes em várias plataformas e idiomas sem esforço. - Obter insights acionáveis sobre as necessidades e questões dos clientes a partir de conversas em tempo real.

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Setembro 06 2024

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I Tried to Build and Sell a $5,000 AI Chat Bot | AI Automation Agency

➤ Join my New Skool Community: https://www.skool.com/aicreatorpreneur ➤ Make money with AI Music: https://bit.ly/anthemsacademy ➤ Try Build Your Own AI Chatbot: https://app.chatsimple.ai/?via=jonny ➤ USE DISCOUNT CODE: JONNY50 for 50% off! ➤ INSANELY VALUABLE DONE FOR YOU PROMPTS : https://bit.ly/46ob7Zd ➤ Google Doc: https://bit.ly/44ZsoH6 ➤ Create Viral AI Captions: https://bit.ly/3rMtnwa ➤ USE DISCOUNT CODE: JONNY20 for 20% off! ➤ Subscribe - https://bit.ly/jonnyshapland ➤ Join my Discord: https://bit.ly/46qcKpd #aiautomationagency #aiautomation #aichatbot #makemoneyonline 👋 Welcome to the future of online business and artificial intelligence! Are you eager to explore the realm of AI chatbots, AI automation agencies, and the art of making money online in 2023? Join me, Jonny Shapland, as I embark on an exciting journey that could change the way you perceive both AI and entrepreneurship. In this video, I invite you to accompany me on a captivating journey into the heart of the AI automation agency business model. Our mission? To build and sell AI Chatbots, a venture that promises substantial profits—$5,000 or more, to be precise. I'm not just telling you; I'm showing you. Join me as I navigate four pivotal phases: 1️⃣ Phase 1 - Research: We begin with an immersive exploration of AI Chatbots, dissecting their intricacies and acquainting ourselves with the tools necessary for their construction. Knowledge is our compass as we chart uncharted waters. 2️⃣ Phase 2 - Building: Armed with newfound insights, we venture into the practical realm of creating an AI Chatbot. Meet Chatsimple.Ai, the no-code tool that breathes life into our vision. 3️⃣ Phase 3 - Testing: Before we take our creation to the market, rigorous testing is essential. Watch as we run the AI Chatbot on my website, ensuring it delivers the value we promise. 4️⃣ Phase 4 - Selling: The climactic moment arrives as we delve into the world of sales. My transparent first sales attempt reveals the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. My ultimate goal? Scaling this venture to $10,000+ per month. This video marks the inception of our AI automation agency journey. Brace yourself for a thrilling saga filled with insights, challenges, and triumphs. Join me on this exhilarating quest, and let's unravel the potential of AI automation together. If you're ready to shape the future of online business, hit the like button, subscribe to my channel, and let's embark on this extraordinary journey! 🚀 If you found this video helpful then make sure to subscribe! Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/@JonnyShapland Follow me: Twitter: https://twitter.com/shapperscrypto Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonnyshapland Tik Tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@jonnyshapland My jump rope: https://shredrope.co.uk/ My portable ice tub: http://bit.ly/417QKNr

Jonny Shapland
Sep 26 2023

I Tried to Build and Sell a $5,000 AI Chat Bot | AI Automation Agency

➤ Join my New Skool Community: https://www.skool.com/aicreatorpreneur ➤ Make money with AI Music: https://bit.ly/anthemsacademy ➤ Try Build Your Own AI Chatbot: https://app.chatsimple.ai/?via=jonny ➤ USE DISCOUNT CODE: JONNY50 for 50% off! ➤ INSANELY VALUABLE DONE FOR YOU PROMPTS : https://bit.ly/46ob7Zd ➤ Google Doc: https://bit.ly/44ZsoH6 ➤ Create Viral AI Captions: https://bit.ly/3rMtnwa ➤ USE DISCOUNT CODE: JONNY20 for 20% off! ➤ Subscribe - https://bit.ly/jonnyshapland ➤ Join my Discord: https://bit.ly/46qcKpd #aiautomationagency #aiautomation #aichatbot #makemoneyonline 👋 Welcome to the future of online business and artificial intelligence! Are you eager to explore the realm of AI chatbots, AI automation agencies, and the art of making money online in 2023? Join me, Jonny Shapland, as I embark on an exciting journey that could change the way you perceive both AI and entrepreneurship. In this video, I invite you to accompany me on a captivating journey into the heart of the AI automation agency business model. Our mission? To build and sell AI Chatbots, a venture that promises substantial profits—$5,000 or more, to be precise. I'm not just telling you; I'm showing you. Join me as I navigate four pivotal phases: 1️⃣ Phase 1 - Research: We begin with an immersive exploration of AI Chatbots, dissecting their intricacies and acquainting ourselves with the tools necessary for their construction. Knowledge is our compass as we chart uncharted waters. 2️⃣ Phase 2 - Building: Armed with newfound insights, we venture into the practical realm of creating an AI Chatbot. Meet Chatsimple.Ai, the no-code tool that breathes life into our vision. 3️⃣ Phase 3 - Testing: Before we take our creation to the market, rigorous testing is essential. Watch as we run the AI Chatbot on my website, ensuring it delivers the value we promise. 4️⃣ Phase 4 - Selling: The climactic moment arrives as we delve into the world of sales. My transparent first sales attempt reveals the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. My ultimate goal? Scaling this venture to $10,000+ per month. This video marks the inception of our AI automation agency journey. Brace yourself for a thrilling saga filled with insights, challenges, and triumphs. Join me on this exhilarating quest, and let's unravel the potential of AI automation together. If you're ready to shape the future of online business, hit the like button, subscribe to my channel, and let's embark on this extraordinary journey! 🚀 If you found this video helpful then make sure to subscribe! Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/@JonnyShapland Follow me: Twitter: https://twitter.com/shapperscrypto Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonnyshapland Tik Tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@jonnyshapland My jump rope: https://shredrope.co.uk/ My portable ice tub: http://bit.ly/417QKNr

Jonny Shapland
Sep 26 2023

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Matteo Massaroli
Apr 30 2024

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Chatsimple: Chatsimple é uma plataforma de chatbot de IA para empresas implantarem chatbots personalizados em websites sem codificação.
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