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Escuta de mídias sociais
AI Demos: Stable Diffusion Turbo, AI Room Decorator, AI-Driven Clothing Site, and more! | E1876
(0:00) Sunny Madra joins Jason (1:37) Jason and Sunny discuss http://podcastai.com (7:54) Nuts.com - Get a free gift with purchase and free shipping on orders of $29 or more at http://www.Nuts.com/twist (9:24) Demo 1: Roomreinvented - Submit a photo of your room and specify your desired decor or choose from presets (19:41) Ketone-IQ - Get 30% off your first subscription order of Ketone-IQ at http://hvmn.com/TWIST (20:54) Demo 2: FaceID Plus - Upgrade stock photos with enhanced features (26:57) Demo 3: Pixite - Create clothing designs using generative AI, then purchase them (31:38) Coda - Get started for free at https://coda.io/twist (33:04) Demo 4: SDXL Turbo (Stable Diffusion Clipdrop) - Realtime image generation (40:14) Demo 5: Storia Lab - AI-assisted image editing (46:10) Final Demos: Open Motion Lab and DreaMoving Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp LINKS: https://melengo.com/showroom https://www.semrush.com/website/youtube.com/overview/ https://www.roomreinvented.com/ https://huggingface.co/spaces/multimodalart/Ip-Adapter-FaceID https://pixite.ai/ https://clipdrop.co/stable-diffusion-turbo https://lab.storia.ai/ https://huggingface.co/spaces/OpenMotionLab/MotionGPT https://huggingface.co/spaces/jiayong/Dreamoving http://clipdrop.co/ X: https://twitter.com/Jason https://twitter.com/sundeep LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis Thanks to our partners: (7:54) Nuts.com - Get a free gift with purchase and free shipping on orders of $29 or more at http://www.Nuts.com/twist (19:41) Ketone-IQ - Get 30% off your first subscription order of Ketone-IQ at http://hvmn.com/TWIST (31:38) Coda - Get started for free at https://coda.io/twist All rights for the video shared and linked below belong to the original copyright holder, and we are using the footage under the principle of fair use. Listen here: Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/this-week-in-startups-audio/id315114957 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ULQ0ewYf5zmsDgBchlkr9 Overcast: https://overcast.fm/itunes315114957/this-week-in-startups-audio More from us: Twitter: https://twitter.com/twistartups Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups Official site: https://thisweekinstartups.com Subscribe to our YouTube to watch all full episodes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkkhmBWfS7pILYIk0izkc3A?sub_confirmation=1 Subscribe to TWiST Clips for all the best moments: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS7tJlcUA6PzVHEMo-X7ddg?sub_confirmation=1 #startups #entrepreneurship #investing #angelinvesting #tech #news #business
Bu Süni Zəka aləti vasitəsilə təsəvvürünüzdə olan geyim dizaynını yarada və sifariş edə bilərsiniz www.pixite.ai #fashion #style #aitools
If you want a to enc the year with a cute memory from your class, have your students design a shirt from Pixite.AI and the vote on a class winner! This is so cute! #teachertips #teacherhack #teacheroftiktok
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