Um software de CRM de vendas com recursos avançados de automação para ajudar sua equipe a ser mais produtiva e fechar mais negócios.
Salesmate CRM é uma plataforma de CRM moderna e flexível projetada para todas as equipes. Oferece recursos como pipelines de vendas, automação de vendas, emails inteligentes, chamadas integradas, mensagens integradas, agendamento de reuniões, discador automático, chat ao vivo e automação de marketing. Os usuários podem personalizar o CRM de acordo com as necessidades de seu negócio e também podem acessá-lo em dispositivos móveis. Salesmate CRM oferece soluções para diferentes casos de uso, como vendas internas, vendas externas, vendas remotas e vendas baseadas em contas. Atende a diferentes setores, incluindo startups, pequenas empresas, imóveis, seguros, finanças e construção.
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Por Theodore em Maio 14 2024
Desbloqueie o Crescimento Empresarial: 10 Estratégias de CRM e Automação
Por Theodore em Abril 06 2024
Descubra como as 12 maneiras revolucionárias da Toolify AI podem impulsionar as vendas e a fidelidade do cliente com a tecnologia de CRM assistida por IA. Desencadeie o poder da IA para o sucesso do seu negócio!
Escuta de mídias sociais
Step into the world of top-tier real estate success with Jenn from estateofjenn! It’s Jenn here, and I’m super stoked to take you on a transformative journey to skyrocket your real estate game. In this video, we’re diving deep into the art of follow-up – the game-changer in real estate sales. Get ready to level up, fam! What We’re Covering: ✨The Power of Follow-Up: How I used follow-up strategies to smash my sales goals. ✨Strategic Mastery: Dive into my personalized, strategic follow-up approach, backed by stats. ✨Persistence Pays Off: Insights from HubSpot on the importance of persistent follow-ups. ✨Smart Follow-Up Strategies: Wrapping up with why intelligent follow-up is key. ✨Modern Follow-Up Methods: Exploring cutting-edge techniques like video, texting, and social DMs. ✨Tech-Savvy Tools: How modern tools are changing the follow-up game post-initial contact and property viewings. ✨Creative Value-Add Strategies: Leveraging technology and data for innovative follow-up. ✨Robust Client Database Management: The role of tech and data in maintaining client relationships. ✨Overcoming Follow-Up Challenges: Strategies for data-driven persistence and flexibility. ✨Measuring Success: Practical steps to evaluate your follow-up strategies. ✨The Future of Follow-Up: A look at AI and innovation in follow-up tactics. 🌟 Let’s Connect & Grow: • Join our fam! Subscribe for more realtor tips and take your real estate business to new heights with estateofjenn. Also, want more follow up help? Check out my TikTok exclusive series “How To Follow Up Like a Baddie” @estateofjennofficial • Drop your questions and experiences in the comments – let’s learn and win together! 🔗 Sources: • Check out for more on sales stats. • Dive into HubSpot for marketing insights. 👋 Remember, fam: Every call, every email, every message is your chance to shine. Stay dedicated, embrace innovation, and keep crushing those real estate goals. Schedule a call with me of you want to grow your real estate business with a little help along the way. Until next time, stay hype! #realestate #estateofjenn #estateofjenncoaching #realtorscripts #realtormentor #realtormentors #newrealtors #realtorleadgen #realtorleadgeneration #realtorcommunity #newagent #floridarealtor #realestateagent #realtortraining #realestatetraining #realtorcourse
How to Set Up Deal Pipeline - Salesmate
Enhance your ability to categorize and monitor progress, resulting in a clearer and more efficient workflow for managing your Deal Pipeline @Salesmate is a truly intelligent #Sales #CRM that reduces pain by helping you be more productive, increases wins and engage deeply with your customers. Salesmate is a leading CRM to help you grow your sales. Get a 15 day free trial! Try Salesmate free and unlock the power of visibility and automation into your sales team success. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!
La Boîte à outils du Coach pour Maximiser son Succès [podcast n°48]
😀 Découvre les 4 Piliers pour Vivre du Coaching en 2023 : 👈 🧑💻 Deviens un Coach en Mission en 12 mois en rejoignant notre Nouveau Programme ici : 📚 Tu aimes lire ? Notre blog est fait pour toi : ***** Es-tu prêt à découvrir les outils outils essentiels à avoir pour ton business de coach ? 😍 Dans cet épisode de podcast, je te partage les outils que j’utilise personnellement au quotidien ! Que tu sois novice en technique ou super geek, cet épisode devrait t’aider à faire le point sur tes besoins. Mets les bons outils en place pour te concentrer sur ce que tu aimes vraiment : aider tes clients à atteindre leurs objectifs. 👉 Si n’aimes pas la technique, je t’encourage à voir le verre à moitié plein, en 2023, il y a des outils simples pour t’aider au quotidien ! 👉 Si tu es plutôt geek, attention à ne pas tomber dans le piège du « syndrome de l’objet brillant » et à sélectionner les outils les plus pertinents (optimiser ses finances et investir ailleurs, c’est bien aussi). 🎙️ Écoute cet épisode maintenant pour découvrir la boîte à outils incontournable du coach ! Quelques-uns des outils cités (aff) : - Kajabi : - []( : - Convertkit : - Salesmate : - Clickup : - Asana : - Podia : - Mindnode : - Google Keep : [](
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