Delilah is your personal AI powered academic assistant built at Harvard and MIT. It helps you brainstorm, write, and edit your essays instantly with AI on every step.
1. Sign up for Delilah 2. Access the Complete Toolkit 3. Use the Draft Generator Library to generate essay drafts 4. Utilize the College Applications Hub for successful college admissions 5. Take advantage of the AI-Powered Document feature for faster writing and editing 6. Chat with PDFs to instantly understand concepts 7. Interact with the GPT-4 Chatbot optimized for academia 8. Get personalized assistance from AI-powered tutors 9. Read testimonials from satisfied users 10. Select a pricing plan 11. Start writing with Delilah
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Good essays are extremely important for getting into top colleges especially when all your stats and test scores are basically perfect. Quick piece of advice: Juniors start working on your common app essay in the summer when you aren’t stressed about school and other activies. This will give you enough time to brainstorm and make several drafts before submitting it to your dream colleges. Websites such as helps a lot of with brainstorming ideas for your essays and writing, so get started asap this summer. Also good luck to all the seniors on the 30th for ivy day! #fyp #collegeapps #highschool #collegeadvice #college #classof2023 #classof2024 #ivyleague #applyingtocollege
Internships and summer programs are a great way to get hands-on experience in a field that you are passionate about as well as making you stand out in college apps! Follow for more tips and college essay brainstorming help with! #fyp #collegeapps #highschool #internships #collegetips #summerprogram #applyingtocollege #classof2023 #classof2024 #ivyleague
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