Langchats is an AI language partner that helps you improve your fluency in over 30 languages through natural conversation.
To use Langchats, simply sign in to your account and start speaking in your chosen language. The AI language partner will have conversations with you, provide voice responses, correct your mistakes, and offer suggestions to improve your language skills.
Here is the Langchats support email for customer service: .
Langchats Company name: Pinwerk Ltd .
Langchats Pricing Link:
Langchats Youtube Link:
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Become FLUENT in any language with ChatGPT!
Learn a language with my AI Language Partner: Get my top 20 favourite German Youtube Channels to help you master German -
I made an AI Language Partner
Check out my AI Language Partner: Language learning is tough. Finding decent language partners is even tougher and paying for conversation practice is super expensive. I’ve built an affordable AI language partner that allows you to practice your conversation skills in 1 of 35 languages, and in beginner, intermediate or advanced. It gives you corrections and translations for everything that both you and the AI says. Please head over to to check it out. If you have any feature recommendations please give me a shout. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Cheers!
I made an AI Language Partner
Check out my AI Language Partner: Language learning is tough. Finding decent language partners is even tougher and paying for conversation practice is super expensive. I’ve built an affordable AI language partner that allows you to practice your conversation skills in 1 of 35 languages, and in beginner, intermediate or advanced. It gives you corrections and translations for everything that both you and the AI says. Please head over to to check it out. If you have any feature recommendations please give me a shout. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Cheers!
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