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INDIGO TALK / 人工智能与去中心化 - EP05
INDIGO TALK 第五期,邀请了腾讯研究院的徐思彦同学,她是 Crypto 领域的专家,在她的专业背景下,看看今天人工智能与去中心化能碰撞出什么火花😄 大语言模型推动的 AI 快速进化,让人类都有些措手不及,训练和使用过程中的数据隐私,还有幻觉效应带来的决策误导,都是目前面临的问题;这个和通过去中心化技术实现的加密货币一样,让政府和决策机构头疼,颠覆性的技术都有它的两面性,但现在 AI 带来的热度已经远超 Crypto 相关的话题,这两个技术的发展或者有没有结合点,我们今天回来深度讨论一下这个话题。 #ai #crypto #decentralized 本期嘉宾 Syan(徐思彦 - 腾讯研究院) Indigo(数字镜像博主) 本期对谈纲要 00:00:52 开场(Syan 与锡安的故事) 00:04:54 Crypto 在 AI 高压下的行业进展 00:08:10 AI 与去中心化之间的联系 00:13:04 去中心化给 AI 的启示 00:16:12 数据隐私的问题 00:19:30 对比 YC 的项目来看 Web 3 与 AI 的创业 00:23:44 区块链的生产关系与 AI 的生产力 00:26:35 AI 与区块链技术再未来的某种融合 00:30:17 AI 可以如何来改进去中心化技术? 00:35:08 去中心化的 AI 算力方案 00:40:03 前面聊过的话题总结(Indigo) 00:41:13 这两个技术的风险和挑战 00:42:05 如何用去中心化方式来解决 AI 被操纵的问题 00:46:17 开源策略与开放训练数据集 00:49:53 AI 与去中心化对现代社会治理的影响 00:54:13 超级人工智能是被公司控制还是被政府控制? 00:56:24 新阶层的出现 00:57:55 AGI 会不会引导人类走向新社会主义 00:59:18 AGI 即将到来的社会里 人类应该做好什么样的准备? 本期提到的概念和服务 锡安(Zion Matrix) Popular Ethereum Layer 2 Optimism & Arbitrum 5 latest open-source LLMs 1. BLOOMZ 2. OPT-IML 3. Pythia 4. LLaMA 5. Vicuna https://twitter.com/TheTuringPost/status/1645404011300790272 flower.dev Flower A Friendly Federated Learning Framework babylonai.dev Datadog for machine learning on edge devices middleware.io AI-powered cloud observability platform nansen.ai 250M+ labeled addresses across 10+ chains. Worldcoin Worldcoin is building the world’s largest identity and financial network as a public utility, giving ownership to everyone. The Network State This book explains how to build the successor to the nation state, a concept we call the network state. INDIGO 的直播课 https://www.indigox.me/live-class/ 关于 Notion AI 和 GPT-4 针对本期节目生成的概念解读 请参见:
Full Video of Grafana X Middleware Ahmedabad Happy Hours Meetup
This is the video of the #grafana X #middleware Ahmedabad happy hours meetup hosted on 9th Sept. 23 at our Ahmedabad office. From Keval's use case based presentation to Sandeep's live interactive demo, this video has it all! This video will also give you an insider look at everything that happened on that day. Until the next event, enjoy this video & don't forget to like, share and comment on your favorite part of the event in the comments below. Keval's Pyroscope video with Ryan Perry on his channel @DevBTS : https://youtu.be/itpBwf1JnOA?si=Wa8fzFt_fe4oFcvw Keval's presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18lZFr4Pqo--_-4tJ7aZXHfZblW03u97iIKdLKXtZFxk/edit#slide=id.g242463912af_0_0 - - - - - Join our Slack community to get notified first about our upcoming events: https://join.slack.com/t/middlewarepublic/shared_invite/zt-22zn3vtlu-3RXcoGPuImzPD0ubv3bK0A. - - - - - Website: https://middleware.io/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/middleware-labs/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Middleware_Labs #ahmedbadmeetup #grafanameetup #observability #grafana #loki #middleware #kafka #techmeetup #meetupvideo #meetup Chapters : 00:00 : Registration 02:10 : Introduction 08:20 : Keval's Talk about observability 01:01:45 : Mid-session talk by Sri 01:04:25 : Sandeep's Talk on time-series based metrics 01:33:45 : CNCF Ahmedabad Community 01:44:52 : Quiz 01:51:42 : Swags giveaway 01:53:09 : Closing notes 01:54:08 : Attendees feedback
EP 12 - AI IS HERE : With Param Teraiya & Siddhant Pandey | Interview Series | DEV BTS
Connected with 2 of my colleagues at middleware.io , who knows pretty well about AI - as they have good hands on experience. [ You might face a bit low-unclear sound a few times in my voice, Apologies for that, I have tried to put subtitles to avoid any confusion. ] You can connect with our guests over LinkedIn ... Param Teraiya https://www.linkedin.com/in/paramteraiya/ Siddhant Pandey https://www.linkedin.com/in/tnahddisttud/ ------------------------------------ Also, Feel free to connect with Me ( Keval Bhogayata) https://www.linkedin.com/in/bhogayatakb/ ------------------------------------- They talked about everything from "How they got into with AI" to "How anyone new can get into AI" 00:00 : Siddhant - Introduction 05:00 : Param - Introduction 07:56 : Importance of AI in day-2-day 09:56 : How to get on-board with AI 13:47 : How Middleware is leveraging AI 17:00 : Catching up with latest AI related updates 21:18 : Ratio of Learning time v/s Implementation 22:45 : Observability with AI v/s AI Observability 28:15 : Will AI snatch our jobs ? 36:30 : Is AI dangerous ? #podcastaboutai #huggingface #observability #podcast Tools we used in the making of this video ------------------------------------------------ Riverside.fm
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