Byrdhouse AI - Chrome Extension

13 Reviews
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Chrome extension for AI-powered real-time translation and transcription
Updated Time
Apr 20 2024
Active Users
Byrdhouse AI AI Chrome Extension Information

What is Byrdhouse AI ai chrome extension?

Chrome extension for AI-powered real-time translation and transcription

How to use Byrdhouse AI ai chrome extension?

1. Install Byrdhouse translator on Chrome and sign up for free minutes. 2. Pin the translator to your browser. 3. Open desired content in Chrome. 4. Activate translator, select languages, enjoy real-time translation. 5. Toggle off translator to save minutes.

Byrdhouse AI ai chrome extension's Core Features

Video translation

Chat translation

Audio translation

Meeting translation

Live event translation

Multilingual support

Byrdhouse AI ai chrome extension's Use Cases


Video translation in 100+ languages


Real-time chat translation on Google Meet and Discord

FAQ from Byrdhouse AI

How to conserve translation minutes?

Analytic of Byrdhouse AI AI Chrome Extension

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