WiseReply - Chrome Extension

WiseReply AI Chrome Extension Information

What is WiseReply ai chrome extension?

WiseReply revolutionizes LinkedIn communication with AI-generated prompts for personalised and impactful messages.

How to use WiseReply ai chrome extension?

1. Copy the URL of an interesting post on LinkedIn 2. WiseReply generates a prompt based on your preferences 3. Use the prompt in ChatGPT to create comments 4. Engage with potential connections effectively

WiseReply ai chrome extension's Core Features

Automatically generated prompts

Use ChatGPT integration

Personalization of comments

AI precision in communication

WiseReply ai chrome extension's Use Cases


Tailoring prompts for job seekers


Creating connections for business professionals


Networking for startup founders


Pitching services for freelancers


Marketing engagement for executives


Sales management communication

FAQ from WiseReply

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