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14 Ways AI-Assisted Data Labeling Boosts ML Performance
Posted Time: April 06 2024
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14 Ways AI-Assisted Data Labeling Boosts ML Performance

Are you ready to supercharge your data curation, data labeling, and data analytics process? In this article, we'll delve into the most powerful and innovative AI tools available today. From advanced data labeling services with expert labelers and cutting-edge tooling, to open-source data labeling for computer vision and NLP models, to AI-powered platforms for transforming data into actionable insights, this comprehensive guide will explore the diverse landscape of AI tools that cater to a wide range of data-related tasks. Get ready to uncover the unique features and benefits of each tool, and discover how they can revolutionize your data management and AI model training process. Whether you're in the realms of AI personalization, Web3 projects, or computer vision and NLP, these tools have got you covered. Let's dive in and explore the world of AI-infused data tools that are shaping the future of data analytics and AI model training.

Best ai assisted data labeling in 2024

People for AI

People for AI offers high-quality data labeling services using experienced labelers and advanced tools.

People for AI is a data labeling company that offers expert data labeling services for training datasets. They have a team of experienced labelers, advanced labeling tools, and a meticulous methodology to ensure the highest quality annotations.

How to use:

To use People for AI's data labeling services, you need to contact them through their website or by emailing them. They will assign you a project manager who will work with you to understand your project requirements and define the data labeling strategy. Once the strategy is finalized, their expert labelers will start labeling your dataset using their specialized tools. Throughout the project, they provide regular communication and progress updates to ensure your satisfaction with the results.

  • Expert labelers

  • Advanced labeling tools

  • Meticulous methodology

  • Ability to handle complex projects

  • Collaboration and communication with clients

People for AI provides you with Other data labeling,training dataset,expert labelers,labeling tools,methodology,annotation tasks,complex projects,data annotation,data tagging,quality,crowdsourcing,long-term labelers,communication,expertise,social impact,microscopy,autonomous cars,infrastructure,food & retail that you can use for every these ai features.


Ethical Data Labeling Outsourcing for AI models.

Data Labeling Outsourcing

How to use:

Contact us to outsource your data annotation tasks for AI models

  • Data Labeling for Computer Vision and NLP models

  • Experienced team of annotators

  • Ethical outsourcing practices

  • Proximity management

  • Competitive rates

  • Data security and confidentiality

  • High-quality labeled data

Innovatiana provides you with Other Data Labeling,Outsourcing,AI models,Computer Vision,NLP,Data collection,Data moderation,Documents processing,Natural language processing that you can use for every these ai features.

Label Studio

Label Studio: open-source tool for labeling data in various models.

Label Studio is an open-source data labeling tool designed to prepare training data for computer vision, natural language processing, speech, voice, and video models. It offers flexibility for labeling all types of data.

How to use:

To use Label Studio, you can follow these steps: 1. Install the Label Studio package through pip, brew, or clone the repository from GitHub. 2. Launch Label Studio using the installed package or Docker. 3. Import your data into Label Studio. 4. Choose the data type (images, audio, text, time series, multi-domain, or video) and select the specific labeling task (e.g., image classification, object detection, audio transcription). 5. Start labeling your data using customizable tags and templates. 6. Connect to your ML/AI pipeline and use webhooks, Python SDK, or API for authentication, project management, and model predictions. 7. Explore and manage your dataset in the Data Manager with advanced filters. 8. Support multiple projects, use cases, and users within the Label Studio platform.

  • Flexible data labeling for all data types

  • Support for computer vision, natural language processing, speech, voice, and video models

  • Customizable tags and labeling templates

  • Integration with ML/AI pipelines via webhooks, Python SDK, and API

  • ML-assisted labeling with backend integration

  • Connectivity to cloud object storage (S3 and GCP)

  • Advanced data management with the Data Manager

  • Support for multiple projects and users

  • Trusted by a large community of Data Scientists

Label Studio provides you with AI Developer Tools data labeling,computer vision,natural language processing,speech,voice,video models,image classification,object detection,semantic segmentation,audio classification,speaker diarization,emotion recognition,audio transcription,document classification,named entity extraction,question answering,sentiment analysis,time series classification,event recognition,dialogue processing,optical character recognition,multi-domain applications,webhooks,Python SDK,API,ML-assisted labeling,cloud storage that you can use for every these ai features.


Build powerful datasets with Surge AI's global data labeling platform.

Surge AI is the world's most powerful data labeling platform. It provides a global data labeling platform and workforce, allowing users to build powerful datasets for training AI models.

How to use:

To use Surge AI, simply sign in to the website and access the platform. From there, you can create labeling projects, set labeling instructions, and manage the labeling workforce.

  • Global data labeling platform

  • Elite workforce in 40+ languages

  • Integration with modern APIs and tools

surgehq.ai provides you with Large Language Models (LLMs) data labeling,AI training,language models,content moderation,sentiment analysis,customer support,financial categorization that you can use for every these ai features.

BasicAI Cloud

BasicAI provides AI-driven training data solutions, including data annotation services and a data labeling platform, to enhance AI and machine learning models.

BasicAI is an AI-driven training data solutions provider that offers data annotation services and a data labeling platform. With over 7 years of experience, BasicAI connects AI engineers with data labeling experts to enhance the accuracy of AI and machine learning models.

How to use:

To use BasicAI, you can leverage their data annotation services or utilize their AI-powered data labeling platform, called BasicAI Cloud. The platform offers features like auto-annotation, object tracking, and scalable labels management. You can collaborate with your team, manage workflows, and ensure quality assurance using BasicAI Cloud.

  • Data annotation services for various industries

  • AI-powered labeling platform (BasicAI Cloud)

  • Auto-annotation and object tracking capabilities

  • Real-time and batch quality assurance

  • Scalable labels management

  • Collaboration and team management features

BasicAI Cloud provides you with AI Advertising Assistant AI data solutions,data annotation,data labeling,AI models,machine learning,auto-annotation,object tracking,quality assurance,collaboration,team management that you can use for every these ai features.


Crayon Data offers maya.ai platform for AI personalization to drive revenue growth.

Crayon Data is a Singapore-based AI and Big Data company that offers the maya.ai platform to help enterprises accelerate revenue through AI personalization. The platform enables businesses to unlock the value of data, increase customer engagement, and drive revenue growth.

How to use:

To use Crayon Data's maya.ai platform, enterprises can follow these steps: 1. Sign up for an account with Crayon Data. 2. Access the maya.ai platform and explore its modular platform construct, which includes capabilities for data, recommendations, and user experiences. 3. Connect relevant ecosystems and leverage patented algorithms to deliver personalized recommendations to each customer. 4. Utilize plug and play APIs to integrate the platform's modules into existing systems and products. 5. Benefit from the platform's scalability, security, and privacy features to ensure data safety. 6. Choose from various verticals such as consumer banking, fintech, travel, tech distribution, and retail to apply the platform's AI capabilities for revenue growth. 7. Access ready-to-use AI-led solutions and explore real-life use cases to see how maya.ai can boost revenue. 8. Join Crayon Data's ecosystem of partners and clients to collaborate and drive further innovation.

  • Modular platform construct

  • Patented algorithms for personalized recommendations

  • Plug and play APIs for easy integration

  • Scalability and cloud agnosticism

  • Real-time recommendations based on user preferences

  • Data security and privacy measures

Maya provides you with AI Lead Generation,AI Data Mining,Large Language Models (LLMs),AI Advertising Assistant AI personalization,revenue acceleration,Big Data,maya.ai platform,modular platform,personalized recommendations,data monetization,customer engagement,vertical solutions,data analytics that you can use for every these ai features.


AI-powered platform for transforming data into actionable insights.

Transform data into insights with AI-assisted analytics

How to use:

Dive into data stories easily, make smarter decisions swiftly

  • AI-driven insights

  • Interactive, customizable dashboards

  • Data control and security

  • Cloud integration

  • Simple and intuitive interface

CleverCharts provides you with AI Charting,AI Analytics Assistant,AI SQL Query Builder data analytics,AI-assisted analytics,data insights,data visualization,business intelligence that you can use for every these ai features.

DeepEyes Analytics

Simplify data analytics for Web3 Projects

Simplify data analytics and business intelligence for Web3 Projects

How to use:

We help businesses take advantage of data to better understand their customers, users and holders. Our platform translates onchain and offchain data into actionable insights that boost your growth. Powered by AI and data analytics.

  • Ready-to-use Dashboards: Create metric dashboards with few clicks for your project. No need to have in-house data team

  • Data Combination: Combine onchain with offchain data like CRM, Wallet labels, etc to unlock more hidden insights

  • Tailor made & Customization: Our Data analyst service can help on any special request. Or you can build it by SQL query

  • Customer Profile: Mapping onchain and offchain data to enrich customer profile so you can create personalized campaigns or retarget most profitable user groups

  • Fundamental Analytics: Understand how customers find and engage or purchase your product by Cohort, Funnel & Journey analysis

  • Segmentation: Classify customers into different groups like most valuable, most active, most engagement so you can optimize and improve marketing, sale or development plans

  • AI Assistant: Ask AI to update metric that matters or predict about future activities like purchase, churn, or abnormal transactions and behavior

DeepEyes Analytics provides you with AI Analytics Assistant,AI Advertising Assistant,AI Data Mining,Web3,AI Charting,Blockchain data analytics,business intelligence,Web3 Projects,onchain data,offchain data,AI,customer profiling,funnel analysis,segmentation,data combination,metrics,dashboard,marketing,sales,development,Augmented Analytics,Martech,Smart Money Following,Exploiter Tracing,Newest Chain dashboards,On-chain Reputation Tracking that you can use for every these ai features.


LayerNext is an AI data management platform for Computer Vision data.

LayerNext is an end-to-end AI data management platform that facilitates the collection, curation, labeling, and searching of large scale Computer Vision data. It provides a unified infrastructure to capture, store, index, and search metadata, labels, model runs, and all computer vision data at scale.

How to use:

To use LayerNext, start by signing up and creating an account. You can then explore and visualize all your AI data in one place using the DataLake feature. The Annotation Studio allows you to label image and video data at scale, while the Dataset Manager helps you manage training datasets with version control. LayerNext can be seamlessly integrated with any computer vision application or infrastructure through its SDK and API. Additionally, you can automate computer vision pipelines and optimize productivity through purpose-built data tools and automated workflows.

  • DataLake: A unified repository for all AI data

  • Annotation Studio: Label image and video data at scale

  • Dataset Manager: Manage training datasets with version control

  • Unified Infrastructure: Capture, store, index, and search computer vision data

  • Visualize and Search: Easily explore and navigate data within DataLake

  • Organize and Share: Curate and organize large datasets, share with team members

  • Analyze and Debug: Understand data effectiveness, identify gaps and errors

  • Integration and Automation: Seamlessly integrate with computer vision applications and automate pipelines

  • LayerNext Apps and Third-Party App Integration: Store and access all data in one Data Lake

LayerX.ai provides you with AI Product Description Generator AI data infrastructure,computer vision,CV data,data collection,data curation,data labeling,data searching,data visualization,data management,SDK,API that you can use for every these ai features.

LLM Sandbox by Dioptra

Dioptra is an open source platform for data curation and management in computer vision and NLP.

Dioptra is an open source data curation and management platform designed for computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), and large language models (LLMs). It helps users curate valuable unlabeled data, register metadata, diagnose model failure modes, and integrate with labeling and retraining stacks.

How to use:

1. Curate the most valuable unlabeled data to improve domain coverage and model performance. 2. Register your metadata to Dioptra to ensure your data remains with you. 3. Diagnose root cause model failure modes and regressions using Dioptra's data centric toolkit. 4. Use active learning miners to sample the most valuable unlabeled data. 5. Integrate with your labeling and retraining stack using Dioptra's APIs.

  • 1. Data curation: Curate valuable unlabeled data to maximize model improvement. 2. Metadata registration: Register metadata to keep your data secure and accessible. 3. Diagnostics: Use a data-centric toolkit to identify model failure modes and regressions. 4. Active learning miners: Sample the most valuable unlabeled data with these miners. 5. Labeling and retraining integration: Integrate Dioptra with your labeling and retraining stack.

LLM Sandbox by Dioptra provides you with AI Advertising Assistant open source,data curation,data management,computer vision,NLP,LLMs,model improvement,metadata registration,diagnostics,active learning,labeling and retraining,pricing information,use cases that you can use for every these ai features.

Rose AI

Cloud platform for data engagement, visualization, and integration.

A cloud data platform designed to help users find, engage, visualize and share data. Enables integration of external and internal data. Also provides infrastructure tools to clean, analyze, and visualize data in their web application and a data marketplace to preview, buy, and sell data.

How to use:

To use the cloud data platform, users need to sign up for an account and log in. They can then search for data, integrate external and internal data sources, utilize the infrastructure tools for data cleaning, analysis, and visualization, and explore the data marketplace for data preview, purchasing, and selling.

  • Data search and discovery

  • Data integration

  • Infrastructure tools for data cleaning, analysis, and visualization

  • Data marketplace for previewing, buying, and selling data

Rose AI provides you with AI Analytics Assistant,AI Data Mining cloud data platform,data integration,data visualization,data marketplace,data cleaning,data analysis that you can use for every these ai features.

Data On Demand

Converse with your data and make informed strategies.

Data on Demand is an AI-powered platform that allows you to converse with your data (Excel, CSV, PDF, etc). Users can now effortlessly extract, analyze, and visualize data, receive instant real-time insights, and make informed business strategies.

How to use:

Initiate a conversation by posing a question or inputting a topic of interest. Conduct a thorough analysis of your question and delve into diverse data sources. Extract valuable information from multiple data sources. Retrieve the most relevant data and generate answers in a user-friendly format.

  • Generative AI-driven data extraction

  • In-depth analysis of patterns, trends, and anomalies

  • Translation of complex datasets into visually compelling representations

  • Actionable recommendations

Data On Demand provides you with AI Analytics Assistant,AI Knowledge Base,AI Knowledge Graph,AI Knowledge Management,Large Language Models (LLMs),Research Tool AI-powered platform,data extraction,data analysis,data visualization,real-time insights,business strategies that you can use for every these ai features.

OSS Insight

GPT-powered querying for GitHub live data.

Data Explorer by OSS Insight is a GPT-powered querying tool for GitHub live data exploration. Simply ask your question in natural language, and Data Explore will generate SQL, query the data, and present the results visually.

How to use:

To use Data Explorer, simply input your question or query in natural language. The tool will then generate the corresponding SQL query and retrieve the data from GitHub. The results will be displayed in a visual format for easy understanding and analysis.

  • GPT-powered querying tool

  • GitHub live data exploration

  • Natural language query

  • SQL generation

  • Data visualization

OSS Insight provides you with AI Tools Directory,AI Data Mining,AI Developer Tools tidb,mysql,github events,github archive,github metrics,oss,compare oss,oss analysis,pingcap,insight tool,data visualization,rank,trend that you can use for every these ai features.

Data Normalizer

Normalize and standardize your data in seconds with AI.

Normalize and standardize your data in Excel and CSV

How to use:

Data Normalizer helps you to normalize and standardize your data in seconds with AI to fix mistakes, inconsistent spelling and abbreviations.

  • Normalize Data in Excel, Python, R, SQL, CSV with fuzzy match, fuzzy search and levenshtein distance.

Data Normalizer provides you with AI SEO Assistant,AI Ad Creative Assistant,AI Ad Generator,AI Lead Generation,AI Analytics Assistant data normalization,data standardization,Excel,CSV,AI,fuzzy match,fuzzy search,levenshtein distance that you can use for every these ai features.

Final Words

People for AI, an experienced data labeling company, offers high-quality data labeling services using advanced tools and expert labelers. To use their services, contact them through their website or email. People for AI provides expert labelers, advanced labeling tools, meticulous methodology, and the ability to handle complex projects. They collaborate and communicate with clients throughout the project to ensure satisfaction. Other features include ethical data labeling outsourcing for AI models. Other notable services include Innovatiana's Label Studio, an open-source data labeling tool for various models, Surge AI's global data labeling platform, and Crayon Data's maya.ai platform for AI personalization. LayerNext provides an AI data management platform for Computer Vision data, while Dioptra offers an open-source platform for data curation and management in computer vision and NLP. Additionally, there are cloud data platforms like Rose AI, Data on Demand for conversing with data, and OSS Insight's Data Explorer, a GPT-powered querying tool for GitHub live data exploration. Lastly, there are tools like Data Normalizer, which helps normalize and standardize data in seconds with AI, providing features like fuzzy match, fuzzy search, and levenshtein distance. Overall, these AI data labeling and management tools and platforms offer advanced and diverse capabilities to streamline AI development and data analysis.

About The Author

By Theodore

As a Special Guest Author focused on digital AI, I decode the binary behind breakthroughs and trends. My writing bridges the gap between algorithmic complexities and reader curiosity, clarifying the digital transformation powered by artificial intelligence.

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