| GPTZero offers several core features, including:
- AI detection for ChatGPT, GPT4, Bard, LLaMa, and other AI models.
- Detailed writing reports with statistics, AI content analysis, and video recording of the writing process.
- API integration for organizations to incorporate GPTZero's AI detection abilities into their own tools and workflows.
- Dashboard for educators, offering a premium model trained specifically for student writing and ed-tech use cases.
- Batch file scans to upload and analyze multiple files at once.
- Chrome extension (Origin) for seamless AI content detection while browsing the internet. | |
To use GPTZero, simply paste the text you want to check into the provided field or upload a file in formats like .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .txt. GPTZero will analyze the text and provide an overall detection result, as well as highlight specific sentences where AI generation is detected. For larger texts and batch file scans, you can sign up for a free account on their Dashboard or download the Chrome extension, Origin, to scan web pages while browsing.
| JD Generator: Create job descriptions from scratch in minutes with automated JD generation. EasySource: Source candidates for open positions. EasyAssess: Assess candidates to determine their suitability for the role. EasyInterview: Conduct video interviews with candidates. Collaboration: Maximize team collaboration to create a staffing symphony. Automation Intelligence: Streamline the hiring process and make it more enjoyable for candidates and staffing teams. | |
To use HireQuotient, simply sign up for an account and access the platform. From there, you can create job descriptions using the JD Generator, source candidates, assess candidates using EasyAssess, and conduct video interviews with EasyInterview. The platform is easy to navigate and offers automation intelligence to make the hiring process more enjoyable for both candidates and staffing teams.
| Job search optimization Resume building Cover letter building Interview preparation Personalized career coaching Salary analysis Career progression insights Virtual hiring events Expert webinars, podcasts, and blogs | |
Sign up on the Career.io website to access a full range of AI-powered career services and tools. Use the platform to find new job opportunities, excel in your current job, or make a career change. Utilize features such as resume builders, cover letter builders, interview preparation, and personalized career coaching.
| Instant matching with top developers Access to a community of 250,000 remote developers No manual search, outreach, and resume screening required | |
To use HireAI, simply sign up and create a profile. The AI algorithm will analyze your preferences and skills, and automatically match you with suitable developers. You can then connect with them and start the hiring process.
| Tailored interview structures 24x7x365 interview availability Fraud detection and prevention | |
To use FloCareer, companies can sign up for an account and access our Interview-as-a-Service platform. They can then create job descriptions, select interviewers, schedule interviews, and receive feedback and recommendations for candidates.
| Automated screening and scheduling AI interview assistant Candidate engagement features | |
1. Sign up for an account
2. Set up your job screening and scheduling preferences
3. Customize the chatbot experience
4. Start using the AI co-pilot in your hiring process
| Explainable AI pre-screening Smart video interview software Online dashboard for applicant management | |
To use Interviewer.AI, sign up for an account and create a job. Generate a structured questionnaire for key skills you are looking for in candidates. Share the job link with candidates and have them complete the video interview. Review and shortlist candidates based on their scores and invite the top candidates for face-to-face interviews.
| Job Pipelines Candidate Management Branded Career Pages Interviews & Assessments Background Checks Permanent Staffing Contract Staffing Job Board Integration | |
To use Pitch N Hire, first sign up for an account on the website. Once logged in, you can create and track job openings, manage candidate applications, conduct interviews and assessments, and make confident selections. The software also offers features such as background checks, permanent and contract staffing services, and integration with job boards.
| Virtual Recruiter Sourcing Screening Applicant Tracking Reporting Time to Hire Background Checks Tax Credits | |
Discover the Benefits of an Automated Hiring System
| AI-powered resume checker Cover letter generator Enhanced CV analysis | |
Upload your resume and cover letter, receive personalized insights and suggestions, and optimize your job application.