カスタマー サービスの Visor.ai サポート メールは次のとおりです: info@visor.ai 。 さらに連絡するには、お問い合わせページ (https://www.visor.ai/contacts/) にアクセスしてください。
Visor.ai 会社名: Visor.ai 。
Visor.ai 会社の住所: Avenida Duque de Loulé 12, 6th floor 1050-007 Lisbon, Portugal。
Visor.ai について詳しくは、会社概要ページ (https://www.visor.ai/about-visor-ai/) をご覧ください。 。
Visor.ai Facebookリンク: https://www.facebook.com/visor.ai1/
Visor.ai Youtubeリンク: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_OnixEyaBvqRluRzkkXv5g
Visor.ai Linkedinリンク: https://www.linkedin.com/company/visor.ai/
Visor.ai Instagramリンク: https://www.instagram.com/visor.ai/
Nova SBE | Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute | The Founder Pitch - Visor.ai
Our Founders' Community keeps growing and we want the world to know who makes part of it! So we invited our founders to pitch their projects and businesses and here it is: a series of videos that showcase the startups that are part of Nova SBE startups community. Startup: Visor.ai Website: https://www.visor.ai Speaker: Gonçalo Consiglieri, Co-Founder Industry: AI & machine learning Founded: 2016 Headquarters: Lisbon, PT * * *
Visor.ai - Voice Demo: Transforming Customer Interactions
Experience the power of Visor.ai's voice capabilities in this comprehensive demo! Watch as we showcase how Visor.ai leverages advanced AI technology to enhance customer interactions through seamless voice communication.
IDC Cloud Roadshow 2023 - Cloud Computing @ Digital Native Enterprises, Bruno Castro
Bruno Castro, Partner da Zertive, foi moderador do Digital Leader Panel: Cloud Computing @ Digital Native Enterprises, no IDC Cloud Roadshow 2023, que decorreu a 23 de março de 2023 no Centro Cultural de Belém, em Lisboa. Este painel contou com a participação de Francisco Vaz Figueiredo, cofundador e CEO da GovWise, Afonso Fonseca, director de produto na Visor.ai e de Robert Koller, CEO e fundador da NowCM. Veja o vídeo completo para saber tudo o que foi discutido! https://zertive.com