We use AI and machine learning to solve one big problem of modern technology: its constant demands for more and more of our attention. Sixty helps you stay in touch with everyone without wasting time on tasks AI can easily handle.
Signup for an account on our website. Once logged in, Sixty's AI will highlight what needs your attention and magically manage the rest for you, allowing you to focus on what really matters.
Here is the Sixty AI support email for customer service: support@sixty.inc . More Contact, visit the contact us page(mailto:support@sixty.inc)
Sixty AI Company name: SIXTY AI, INC. .
More about Sixty AI, Please visit the about us page(https://sixty.app/about).
Sixty AI Login Link: https://my.sixty.app/?utm_source=sixty.app&utm_medium=site
Sixty AI Sign up Link: https://my.sixty.app/sign-up?utm_source=sixty.app&utm_medium=site
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